Volkswagen India that launched the performance oriented VW Vento TSI few days back, has now introduced a special 'Corporate Edition' accessory pack on the car to lure more buyers during the on-going festive season. What is more exciting is to know is the fact that the Corporate Edition pack of worth Rs. 40,000 will be offered free of cost to all the Vento buyers. However, this pack won't be offered with the Vento TSI.
The accessory pack includes 8 additional features- Alloy wheels, Trunk Spoiler, Mud Flaps, Door protector, navigation system, rear view camera, window chrome set and seat covers. This Corporate Edition accessory pack can be added to all the petrol and diesel variants of the car. The features that the VW Vento Corporate Edition misses out on is smoked headlights, introduced for the line-up last year.
Since, it's just an accessory package, mechanically the car remains the same. It continues to power either a 1.6-litre diesel and 1.6-litre petrol engine, capable of churning out the maximum power output of 103bhp, 200Nm and 103bhp, 153Nm respectively.
Source : CarDekho - Volkswagen Vento - Volkswagen India launches Vento Corporate Edition