Volvo India has added another car in its convoy with the launch of V40 in the country. The luxury hatchback has been launched at the starting price tag of INR 24.75 lacs (ex-showroom, New Delhi). The car is available in total two trims viz. Kinetic (base variant) and D3 R-Design. The latter is priced at INR 27.70 lacs. This is the third launch from the Swedish carmaker in the country this year after V40 Cross Country petrol and XC90 SUV.
In terms of practicality and comfort, Volvo V40 is fully loaded with features. Where the base Kinetic variant comes with distinctive features like TFT display, leather upholstery, City Safety and Pedestrian Airbags, the top end D3 R-Design is equipped with Keyless Drive, Panoramic Sunroof, Rain Sensor, Park Assist Pilot and special R-Design package for exteriors and interiors.
From the outside, the car looks ditto to the ongoing Cross Country sans body cladding and increased ride height. The car is powered by the same Cross Country’s D3 turbo diesel engine which produces 147.5bhp and peak torque of 350Nm. This diesel mill is mated to 6-speed automatic transmission gearbox which imparts power to the front wheels.
Other standard features in the car include powered front seats with memory function, climate control and front, side and curtain airbags and pedestrian airbags. The upper trim R-Design additionally gets blacked out grille, new alloy wheel design and exterior color.
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Tom von Bonsdorff, Managing Director, Volvo Auto India said,"I am excited about introducing V40 on the Indian roads. V40 represents a model which is premium in design, features, technology and safety redefining the compact luxury offering in the segment. It is way ahead of the competition when it comes to intelligent accident prevention and mitigation. The car will bring in new impetus to our growth strategy in India.”
Volvo V40 will be coming via CBU from Belgium and will compete against the likes of BMW 1-series and Mercedes-Benz A-Class in the segment.
Source : Volvo V40 Hatchback Launched in India at INR 24.75 lacs