Amtek Auto dropped 5.77% to Rs 32.65 at 14:20 IST on BSE after the company reported net loss of Rs 528.69 in Q2 March 2016 compared with net profit of Rs 129.82 crore in Q2 March 2015.
The result was announced after market hours yesterday, 30 May 2016.Meanwhile, the BSE Sensex was down 98.40 points, or 0.37%, to 26,627.20.
On BSE, so far 6.02 lakh shares were traded in the counter, compared with an average volume of 6.11 lakh shares in the past one quarter. The stock hit a high of Rs 33.55 and a low of Rs 32.35 so far during the day. The stock hit a 52-week low of Rs 25.60 on 4 September 2015. The stock hit a 52-week high of Rs 176.10 on 3 August 2015. The stock had underperformed the market over the past one month till 30 May 2016, sliding 13.27% compared with Sensex's 4.37% gains. The scrip had, however, outperformed the market in past one quarter, gaining 20.73% as against Sensex's 16.19% gains.
The small-cap company has an equity capital of Rs 44.95 crore. Face value per share is Rs 2.
Amtek Auto's total income fell 31.8% to Rs 651.02 crore in Q2 March 2016 over Q2 March 2015.
Amtek Auto is one of the largest integrated automotive component manufacturers in India with a strong global presence. Amtek Auto has a presence in forging, grey and ductile iron casting, gravity and high-pressure aluminum die casting and machining and sub-assembly. The company also manufactures components for non-auto sectors such as the railways, specialty vehicles, aerospace, agricultural and heavy earth moving equipment. The company has manufacturing facilities in India, Europe and North America.
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