Clariant Chemicals (India) tumbled 6.48% to Rs 909.60 on BSE at 0946 hrs after the company reported a net loss of Rs 1.32 crore in Q3 September 2014, compared with net profit of Rs 123.99 crore in Q3 September 2013.
Clariant Chemicals (India)'s total income from operations declined 27.91% to Rs 256.07 crore in Q3 September 2014 over Q3 September 2013.
The Q3 result was announced after market hours on Monday, 3 November 2014.
The stock hit a high of Rs 948 and a low of Rs 906.55 so far during the day.
On BSE, so far 12,000 shares were traded in the counter as against average daily volume of 3,915 shares in the past two weeks.
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