Out of the total earnings of Rs. 7749.94 crore from commodity-wise freight traffic during the month of March 2013, Rs. 3608.30 crore came from transportation of 48.79 million tonnes of coal, followed by Rs. 738.58 crore from 10.35 million tonnes of iron ore for exports, steel plants and for other domestic user, Rs. 876.12 crore from 11.05 million tonnes of cement, Rs. 744.77 crore from 5.24 million tonnes of foodgrains, Rs. 409.49 crore from 3.55 million tonnes of petroleum oil and lubricant (POL), Rs. 506.98 crore from 3.37 million tonnes of Pig iron and finished steel from steel plants and other points, Rs. 313.09 crore from 3.10 million tonnes of fertilizers, Rs. 139.51 crore from 1.56 million tonnes of raw material for steel plants except iron ore, Rs. 393.70 crore from 3.85 million tonnes by container service and Rs. 630.04 crore from 7.46 million tonnes of other goods.
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