CPI Inflation figure for June 2014 revised upwards to 7.46% from 7.31% reported earlier
All India general CPI inflation increased to 7.96% in July 2014 from 7.46% in June 2014, mainly driven by increase in inflation for vegetables and fruits. The corresponding provisional inflation rates for rural and urban areas for July 2014 are 8.45% and 7.42%, respectively. Inflation rates for rural and urban areas for June 2014 are 7.87% and 6.82%, respectively.CPI inflation decline in July 2014 was mainly driven by increase in inflation for 'food, beverages & tobacco' group to 9.1% in July 2014 from 8% in June 2014. The inflation for fuel & light eased to 4.5%, while that for housing also eased to 8.9%. Further, the inflation for 'clothing, bedding and footwear' and miscellaneous items rose slightly to 8.7% and 6.6% in July 2014.
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