Meanwhile, the BSE Sensex was up 83.89 points, or 0.50% to 16,889.22
On BSE, 6.53 lakh shares were traded in the counter as against average daily volume of 11.94 lakh shares in the past one quarter.
The stock hit a high of Rs 139.90 and a low of Rs 136.90 so far during the day. The stock had hit a record high of Rs 251.90 on 6 January 2011 and a 52-week low of Rs 113 on 25 November 2011.
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The large-cap stock outperformed the market over the past one month till 5 December 2011, falling 1.98% compared with Sensex's 4.31% decline. The scrip, however, underperformed the market over the past one quarter, sliding 11.09% as against Sensex's 0.55% rise.
The company has equity capital of Rs 191.45 crore. Face value per share is Re 1.
According to reports, Hindalco Industries may raise the funds through debt, project financing, bonds, local or external commercial borrowings to expand capacity at its Uttar Pradesh and Odisha plants. It is also setting up three greenfield facilities one in Maharashtra and two in Jharkhand, reports added.
Hindalco Industries' net profit rose 15.8% to Rs 502.52 crore on 7.2% growth in net sales to Rs 6220.47 crore in Q2 September 2011 over Q2 September 2010.
Aditya Birla Group Hindalco Industries is the world's largest aluminium rolling company and one of the biggest producers of primary aluminium in Asia. Its copper smelter is the world's largest custom smelter at a single location.
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