India' s passenger vehicle sales declined 13 per cent to 2,19,421 units in December, auto industry body SIAM said on Friday. Passenger vehicle sales in December 2020 stood at 2,52,998 units. As per the latest data by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), two-wheeler sales also fell 11 per cent to 10,06,062 units, compared to 11,27,917 vehicles in December 2020. In October-December period of this fiscal year, passenger vehicle sales declined 15 per cent to 7,61,124 units from 8,97,908 units in the year-ago period. Commenting on Q3 sales data, Mr Rajesh Menon, Director General, SIAM said, Demand of Passenger Vehicle Segment was largely affected due to supply constraints while the Two-Wheeler segment was majorly impacted due to subdued demand. Sales of Passenger Vehicles in Q3 has been the lowest in 5 years, while for the Two-Wheelers it has been the lowest in 9 years. Only the Heavy Goods segment in Commercial Vehicles have shown positive growth compared to Q3 of previous two years. Sales of Buses and Three-Wheelers continue to be a concern. Barring 2020, the Sales of Commercial vehicles in Q3 has been lowest in last 5 years and sales of Three-Wheelers, barring 2020, has been the lowest in last 13 years.
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