Indiabulls Financial Services surged 12.42% to Rs 152.95 and topped the gainers in the BSE's 'A' group. The stock rose on higher volume of 15.67 lakh shares as against an average daily volume of 1.61 lakh shares in the past two weeks.
United Breweries jumped 7.53% to Rs 434.25 and was second biggest gainer in 'A' group. The stock rose on higher volume of 67,924 shares as against an average daily volume of 7,232 shares in the past two weeks.
Pantaloon Retail (India) gained 6.30% to Rs 198.15 and was third biggest gainer in 'A' group. The stock rose on higher volume of 48.40 lakh shares as against an average daily volume of 23.02 lakh shares in the past two weeks.
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CESC shot up 4.72% to Rs 260.85 and was fourth biggest gainer in 'A' group. The stock rose on higher volume of 1.42 lakh shares as against an average daily volume of 63,000 shares in the past two weeks.
Jaiprakash Power Ventures advanced 4.69% to Rs 39.05 and was fifth biggest gainer in 'A' group. The stock rose on higher volume of 2.39 lakh shares as against an average daily volume of 1.82 lakh shares in the past two weeks.
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