Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) collections have increased from Rs 3,98,238 crore in April-January 2014 to Rs. 4,27,822 crore during April-January 2015. Thus an increase of 7.4% has been registered during April-January 2015 over the corresponding period in the previous year. This is an achievement of 68.6 % of the target fixed for BE 2014-15.
Customs collections have increased from Rs.1,42,835 crore during April-January 2014 to Rs.1,55,248 crore during April-January 2015 registering an increase of 8.7%. This is an achievement of 76.9% of the target fixed for BE 2014-15.
Service Tax collections have increased from Rs.1,22,196 crore in April-January 2014 to Rs. 1,32,290 crore during April-January 2015 registering an increase of 8.3%. This is an achievement of 61.3% of the target fixed at BE 2014-15.
Central Excise collections have increased from Rs. 1, 33,207 crore in April-January 2014 to Rs. 1,40,284 crore during April-January 2015 registering an increase of 5.3%. This amounts to an achievement of 68.3% of the target fixed at BE 2014-15.
Details of Indirect Tax revenue (provisional) collections during April-January 2015, along with growth rate compared to the corresponding period in the previous year.
Tax Head For the month % Growth Upto the month % growth % of BE achievedB.E. 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 Customs 201819 16550 16718 1 142835 155248 8.7 76.9Central Excise* 205452 15330 20755 35.4 133207 140284 5.3 68.3Service Tax 215973 12309 13086 6.3 122196 132290 8.3 61.3Total 623244 44189 50559 14.4 398238 427822 7.4 68.6*Exclusive of cess administered by other departments.(Rs. in crore)
For the period April - January 2015
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