Power generation company JSW Energy surged 7.42% to Rs 43.45. The stock topped the gainers in the BSE's 'A' group. The stock bounced back after hitting a 52-week low of Rs 39.60 in intraday today, 27 June 2013.
Power generation firm Jaiprakash Power Ventures spurted 6.53% to Rs 18.75, extending Wednesday's 6.34% rise triggered by bargain hunting after the stock fell 25.45% in the preceding five trading sessions to Rs 16.55 on 25 June 2013, from a recent high of Rs 22.20 on 18 June 2013. The stock is up 13.29% in two sessions from Rs 16.55 on 25 June 2013. The stock was second biggest gainer in 'A' group.
The recent fall in shares of Jaiprakash Power Ventures was triggered by the company's announcement that operations at its hydro-power plant in Uttarakhand stopped due to recent floods.
Real estate developer Housing Development and Infrastructure (HDIL) galloped 6.52% to Rs 35.15. The stock was third biggest gainer in 'A' group.
Electrical equipments maker Havells India jumped 5.52% to Rs 711.50. The stock was fourth biggest gainer in 'A' group.
FMCG company Emami climbed 5.26% to Rs 468.90. The stock was fifth biggest gainer in 'A' group.
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