Net profit of Panchsheel Organics declined 98.94% to Rs 0.01 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 0.94 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012. Sales declined 19.34% to Rs 8.01 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 9.93 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012.
For the Audited full year,net profit declined 30.22% to Rs 1.27 crore in the year ended March 2013 as against Rs 1.82 crore during the previous year ended March 2012. Sales rose 11.63% to Rs 33.40 crore in the year ended March 2013 as against Rs 29.92 crore during the previous year ended March 2012.
ParticularsQuarter EndedYear EndedMar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Mar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Sales8.019.93 -19 33.4029.92 12 OPM %13.7311.88 16 10.2410.53 -3 PBDT0.781.06 -26 2.803.08 -9 PBT0.010.94 -99 1.772.58 -31 NP0.010.94 -99 1.271.82 -30
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