For arriving at the ratings, CRISIL takes a consolidated view of the business and financial risk profiles of Reliance Ports and Terminals (RPTL), Reliance Utilities and Power (RUPPL), RGTIL and Reliance Industries Holding (RIHPL) (collectively referred to as the RIHPL group) given the common ownership, significant business linkages with RIL and the cash flow fungibility among these four RIHPL group companies. Any material change in the ownership of these companies will be a key rating sensitivity factor.
The ratings continue to reflect the strong operational linkages of RPTL, RUPPL and RGTIL with RIL, their high financial flexibility, and the common ownership of these three companies with RIHPL. These strengths are, however, partially offset by the companies' high gearing and large quantum of external debt and sensitivity of cash flows to the volume of gas available for transportation.
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