Sales decline 96.75% to Rs 0.05 crore
Net loss of S R K Industries reported to Rs 0.48 crore in the quarter ended June 2015 as against net profit of Rs 0.24 crore during the previous quarter ended June 2014. Sales declined 96.75% to Rs 0.05 crore in the quarter ended June 2015 as against Rs 1.54 crore during the previous quarter ended June 2014. ParticularsQuarter EndedJun. 2015Jun. 2014% Var.Sales0.051.54 -97 OPM %160.00-2.60 -PBDT0.050.32 -84 PBT-0.480.31 PL NP-0.480.24 PLPowered by Capital Market - Live News