Port Modernization
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1LPG Import Terminal at Kandla
5002LNG Import Terminal at Mundra
4,0003Dredging of the common channel of Magdalla and Sewagram
304Mechanisation of Barge Unloading Facility at Kandla
Also Read
Development of Tuna Tekra Container Terminal at Kandla
2,0006Development of Tuna Tekra Additonal Bulk Terminal at Kandla
1,2007Mechanisation of Fertiliser Handling Facility at Kandla
2008Mechanisation of Food Grains Handling Facility at Kandla
8185Port-led Industrialization
Projects Investment( INR Cr)
1Petrochemical cluster in Gujarat
4202Development of an export based apparel cluster in Saurashtra
3,3213Cement Cluster in Gujarat
Maritime cluster in Saurashtra
5,0005Development of marble based furniture hub in Kutch
2,2586Auto cluster in Sanand
16,199Port Connectivity
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Expansion of Salaya Mathura Pipeline
1,0002Expressway from Sarkhej ( Ahmedabad) to Mundra
10,0003Expressway from Sarkhej ( Ahmedabad) to Pipavav
9,0004Connection of Western DFC to Hazira
3005Connection of Western DFC to Pipavav
2,5006Connection of Western DFC to Mundra
3,5007Providing alternative Road from Bhavnagar to Sosiya-Alang Ship Recycling Yarad
708RoB on Kandla-Kutch Road
1259Product pipeline from Jamnagar to Mundra
29,695Coastal Community Development
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Development of Gujarat Maritime University
Ro-Pax Ferry Services between Gogha and Dahej in Gulf of Cambay
777GOA - Rs.2,823 cr
Port Modernization
Projects Investment( INR Cr)1Finger Jetty at Vasco Bay for Liquid Cargo, Passenger and Fishing at Mormugao
802.Redevelopment of berths 8 and 9 into multipurpose terminal at Mormugao
1,0853Conversion of berth 3 into multipurpose berth at Mormugao
1,315Port Connectivity
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Road circulation plan for ease of movement of break bulk cargo at Mormugao
502Hospete-Hubballi-Londa-Tinaighate-Vasco da gama at Mormugao
1,508KARNATAKA - Rs. 6,215 crore
Port Modernization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Mechanised food grain handling facility at Mangalore
Mechanised fertilizer handling facility at Mangalroe
155New Port at Belekari
4,275Port - led Industrialization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Petrochemical cluster in Mangalore
420Port Connectivity
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Rail evacuation from port to Hospet and Bellary (Hubli - ankoka Link)
1,0002.Bellikeri port to Ankola - Railways line
1,4203.4 Laning of Shiradi Ghat Road - Concretizing for smoothening of traffic road
1,2004.New ICD Development in Hubli and Mangalroe
3,790Coastal Community Development
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Development of Fishery Harbour at Kulai
230KERALA - Rs. 2,604 crore
Port Modernization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Setting up of fertilizeer bagging facility at Cochin
1552.Setting up of food grain import terminal at Cochin
1203.Setting of edible oil terminal at Cochin
285Port - led Industrilization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr) 1.Development of an integrated wooden furniture export
2,258Port Connectivity
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Azhikkal Port - Proposed NH - Bypass (13 km) with widening of 2 km
61TAMIL NADU - Rs.89,406 crore
Port Modernization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr) 1.LNG Import Terminal at Ennore
3,0002.NCB 1 - Utilisation of its full capacity at Tuticorin
Dedicated coastal berth for food grain imports at Tuticorin
804.Development of additional container berths at Tuticorin
1,2005.Upgrading of existing coal jetty (CJ2) at Tuiticorin
2506.Multi - User Liquid Terminal-II at Ennore port
3207.SBM terminal at Chennai port
6008.Development of Cuddalore / Sirkazhi port
3,0009.Ne Port at Enayam serving as a transhipment hub
6,57510.Installation of buoys at Pamban
15,787Port - led Industrialization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr) 1.Petrochemical cluster in Ennore
4202.Power plant in Tamil Nadu
7,3503.Development of an integrated export based leather and footwear cluster in Perambur
Refinery and petchem cluster in Tamil Nadu
4,2005.Marine cluster in Ennore
5,0006.Steel cluster in Ennore
29,350Port Connectivity
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr) 1.Northern Rail Link connecting north of Minjur to KPL
1682.Expressway from Tirupur industrial cluster (Combatore) to Enayam
13,0003.Expressway from Whitefield industrial cluster (Bangalore) to Enayam
20,0004.Expressway from Whitefield industrial cluster (Bangalore) to Chennai
10,0005.Road connectivity to Hare Island (Tuticorin Port)
546.Development of roads connectivity to Cuddalore Port
1007.Four lane road from Northern gate of port to Thachur, outering corridor - 6 laning ith service roads
2718.Enhanced pipeline capacity to CPCL Manali, increasing dia from 30" to 42"
Connectivity to Enayam through Nagarcoil
8610.Developmnet of Coastal road to the East of container mTerminal II at Chennai Port
44,269ANDHRA PRADESH - Rs. 46, 745 crore
Port Modernisation
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr) 1.LNG Import Terminal at Kakinada
3,0002.Additional Oil Jetty at Vizag
1003.Additional STackyard for GCB at Vizag
1504.Development o coastal food export berth at Kakinada
1505.New Port Development Vadarevu / Machilipatnam
8,400Port - led Industrilization
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr) 1.Petrochemical cluster in Kakinada
4202.Port-based Mega food processing park in Kakinada
2,4793.Power cluster in AP
Development of an export based apparel cluster in central AP
3,3215.Development of an export based electronic cluster in Tamil Nadu / AP
3,5426.Cement cluster in AP
Port Connectivity
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Upgrading of the existing four lane road connecting to NH-16 at Gajuwaka to Gangavaram Port in to six lane road in the State of Andhra Pradesh
502.Four laning of Kakinada Anchorage Port Uppada beach road connection upto NH-16 in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh State
9803.Expressway from Sanathnagar industrial cluster (Hyderabad) to Vodarevu
10,0004.Developmnet of 7.2 Km green field road connecting NH 65 to Machilipatnam Port in the state of Andhra Pradesh
Four ane green field road to Krishnapatnam Port from Naidupeta in the State of Andhra Pradesh
6706.Upgrading existing B.T. Road in to C.c. pavement from Burmah Shell area to security gate near Sakthi Gas Plant at Kaknada Anchorage Port, AP
157.Development of Greenfield bypass road for better connectivity of Gangavaram port in Visakhapatnam District (Lanes to be specified)
808.Formation of New by pass parallel road west of NFCL and CFL in Kakinada Port (Kakinada), AP
709.RoB at Dummalapeta and Old Port Area (Kakinada)
8010.Upgrading of existing R&B road from Chilakaru cross (NH-16) to Power Plants
30011.Development of 5 km Greenfield road connecting north and south industrial cluser of Khandaleru Creek near Krishnapatnam port
9012.Upgrading of 24 km road to a 4 lane, that connects Nellore city to the Krishnapatnam port to NH 5 in SPSR Nellore District of AP
30013.Upgrading of Manginapudi Beach Road to a 4 lane road to connect to cater to Machilipatnam
6014.D3evelopment of 4 Lane green field road from Machilipatnam North Port to NH-SH-46 in the State of Andhra Pradesh
23215.Development of 4 lane green field road from Machilipatnam South Port to NH-9 in the State of Andhra Pradesh
45816.IB signalling for RV line
5017.Decongesting RV line (Vizag & Gangavavaram port) - 2nd line
4,20018.Connectivity of Vizag port to NH-16 (Phase II)
9919.Rail connectivity between Krishnapatnam and Venkatachalam
8720.Rail connectivity between Krishnapatnam to Obulavaripalle
1,18521.Road Connectivity from outer Harbour to aPort connectivity junction (B) at Vizag port
14,22.Development of Fly over bridge from Sea-horses junction area to dock area t Vizag Port
20,119Coastal Community Development
No. Projects Investment (INR Cr)1.Setting up logistics and Maritime University at Kakinada
3002.Developmnet of fish landing centre in AP - Appikonda
393.Proposal for fisheries growth centre for development of fisheries a Uppada in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh and Majali in Uttaa Kannada, Karnatak
379ODISHA - Rs.28,321 cr
Port Modernization
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Development of IWT Terminal at Paradip Port
3002Expansion of the MCHP stackyard for additional coal storage at Paradip
1503Development of Outer harbour at Paradip port
4,2504Conversion of IOB berth into coal exporting berth at Paradip
5,300Port Connectivity
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Pipeline from Paradip to Hyderabad
3,0002Doubling of rail line from Bhadrak to Dharmra Port
6503New ICD Development in Bhubaneshwar
854Heavy Haul railways corridor from Talcher to Paradip port
6,0005Third line from Jakhapura to Haridaspur
15063rd line from Bhadrak to Nergundi
83773rd and 4th line from Budhapank-Salegaon via Rajatgarh
1,5008Doubling of line from Rajatgarh to Barang
2769Doubling of line from Sambhalpur to Talcher
67910Doubling of line from Titlagarh to Sambhalpur
1,35111New Line from Angul to Sukhinda Road
67912New Line from Haridaspur to Paradip
1,11813Third line from Sukhinda Road to Jakhapura
5614New line from Jharsuguda to Barpalli
1,00015New line from Talcher to Kharagpur via Baripada
5,00016New line from Talcher to Angul
50017Double rail track from Gopalpur Port to Chatarpur
23,021WEST BENGAL - Rs.14,268 cr
Port Modernization
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1LPG Import Terminal at Eastern ports ( Haldia, Paradip and Dhamra)
8002Mechanisation of Berth 3 at Haldia Dock Complex at Haldia
1503Building Barge Jetties to Support the Anchorage Operations at Haldia
1204New Exclusive Berth outside Dock for Edible Oil and Chemicals at Haldia
1005Development of Multipurpose Berth outside the Dock Basin at Haldia
2006New Port at Sagar
2,530Port-led Industrialization
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Development of an integrated export based leather and footwear cluster in Kolkata( Bantala)
1,880Port Connectivity
Projects Investment ( INR Cr)1Road connectivity between proposed Port at Sagar Island and Muriganga bridge & between Muringanga bridge and proposed Rail yard at Kashinagar
1712Rail connectivity between proposed Port at Sagar Island and Kashinagar Rail station
2703Improvement of existing road connecting Kolkata Port Trust to NH6 and Kolkata Port Trust to nearby Industrial Clusters
244Expressway from Panagarh ( Durgapur) to Haldia
90005Setting up of 2nd Railway Line from Durgachak take off point to 'A' cabin at Durgachak at HDC, Haldia
1006Construction of RoB cum Flyover at Ranichak level crossing at Kolkatta Port
2087New ICD Development in North Bengal ( Darjeeling )
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