Survey on Quality of Service Parameters:
As per the methodology of the survey, survey questionnaire has been framed to assess customer perception on service relating to the following seven quality of service parameters specified in the regulations
Provision of services
Billing performance
Help services including customer grievance redressal
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Network performance, reliability and availability
Supplementary and value added services
Overall service quality
The satisfaction of the customers were assessed on a scale of 1 to 7, where a score of 4 to 7 denotes levels of customer satisfaction and score below 4 is considered as customer dissatisfaction. The survey reveals that the satisfaction level varies from service area to service area and from service provider to service provider.
Survey on the customer centric provisions of various Regulations:
For assessing effectiveness of the regulations relating to awareness about grievances redressal mechanism, implementation of mobile number portability and UCC regulation, following parameters were surveyed.
Registration for blocking unsolicited commercial calls/SMSs (Basic/Cellular)
Satisfaction on effectiveness of blocking of unsolicited commercial calls/SMSs (Basic/Cellular)
Satisfaction on ease of lodging the complaint:
Satisfaction on action taken on the complaint lodged
Awareness about the grievance redressal mechanisms
Consumers' complaints to toll free consumer care number
Satisfaction with manner in which the complaint was handled in consumer care
Consumers' appeal to Appellate Authority and Satisfaction with manner in which the appeal was addressed
Utilization of Mobile Number Portability service: (Cellular)
Satisfaction with information provided under Fair Usage policy (in case of broadband)
Satisfaction with the facility to measure the broadband connection speed (In case of Broadband)
The results of the survey reveal that the telecom service providers need to take effective steps for making their consumers aware of the various grievances redressal mechanism available to them including awareness of the Appellate Authority, to improve customer's satisfaction.
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