Net profit of Voltamp Transformers rose 35.11% to Rs 14.93 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 11.05 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012. Sales declined 10.11% to Rs 174.97 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 194.65 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012.
For the Audited full year,net profit declined 1.14% to Rs 32.90 crore in the year ended March 2013 as against Rs 33.28 crore during the previous year ended March 2012. Sales declined 9.53% to Rs 515.50 crore in the year ended March 2013 as against Rs 569.81 crore during the previous year ended March 2012.
ParticularsQuarter EndedYear Ended Mar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Mar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Sales174.97194.65 -10 515.50569.81 -10 OPM %9.568.50 12 6.637.32 -9 PBDT23.1719.34 20 53.7056.70 -5 PBT21.1817.19 23 46.0348.43 -5 NP14.9311.05 35 32.9033.28 -1
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