AIA Engineering clocked volume of 6.73 lakh shares by 12:55 IST on BSE, a 684.77-times surge over two-week average daily volume of 1,000 shares. The stock rose 1.65% to Rs 289.10.
Astra Microwave Products notched up volume of 13.85 lakh shares, a 20.50-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 68,000 shares. The stock rose 2.03% to Rs 42.75.
Idea Cellular saw volume of 41.14 lakh shares, a 14.34-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 2.87 lakh shares. The stock rose 1.16% to Rs 130.65.
Divi's Laboratories clocked volume of 96,000 shares, a 7.95-fold surge over two-week average daily volume of 12,000 shares. The stock fell 1% to Rs 997.40.
Amara Raja Batteries saw volume of 6.06 lakh shares, a 7.37-fold rise over two-week average daily volume of 82,000 shares. The stock fell 0.55% to Rs 244.50.
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