Net profit of Wagend Infra Venture declined 81.08% to Rs 0.07 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 0.37 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012. Sales declined 60.07% to Rs 3.49 crore in the quarter ended March 2013 as against Rs 8.74 crore during the previous quarter ended March 2012.
For the Audited full year,net profit declined 41.00% to Rs 0.59 crore in the year ended March 2013 as against Rs 1.00 crore during the previous year ended March 2012. Sales declined 53.23% to Rs 12.03 crore in the year ended March 2013 as against Rs 25.72 crore during the previous year ended March 2012.
ParticularsQuarter EndedYear EndedMar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Mar. 2013Mar. 2012% Var.Sales3.498.74 -60 12.0325.72 -53 OPM %-0.293.55 -108 0.173.34 -95 PBDT0.340.53 -36 0.891.48 -40 PBT0.330.53 -38 0.851.48 -43 NP0.070.37 -81 0.591.00 -41
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