A total of 102 more villages in 10 states got electricity connections in the week ending on April 24, taking the total electrified so far under the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna to 7,445, an official statement said on Monday.
"Of these electrified villages, six are in Odisha, 11 in Jharkhand, 23 in Arunachal Pradesh, 13 in Bihar, 32 in Assam, two each in Chhattisgarh and Manipur, seven in Madhya Pradesh, three in Rajasthan and three in Uttar Pradesh," said the power ministry statement.
These villages are part of the 18,452 villages which are scheduled to be electrified by May 1, 2018, it said.
"Out of the remaining 10,563 villages, 444 villages are uninhabitated. 7,131 villages are to be electrified through grid, 3,020 villages through off-grid, where grid solutions are out of reach due to geographical barriers, and 412 villages are to be electrified by state governments," the statement added.