The information and broadcasting ministry Thursday was allocated Rs.3,316 crore in the national budget for 2014-15, a 16.11 percent hike over last year.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Lok Sabha that there would be special focus on community radio, 24X7 television channel for the northeast and a TV channel for farmers.
The first budget of the Narendra Modi government focused on the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune, and the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI), Kolkata.
The minister said there were plans to accord the status of institutes of national importance to the two premium film study centres.
In the budget, the total grants-in-aid allocated to Prasar Bharati is Rs.2,421 crore, out of which Rs.90 crore, or 3.7 percent of the total, is allocated for Kisan Channel.
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The Kisan Channel will provide real time information to farmers on issues related to agriculture.
Films have been allocated Rs.135.81 crore, 16.6 percent more compared to last year.
Advertising and publicity gets Rs.230.37, down from Rs.241.60 crore last year.