At least five persons who went fishing at the Tavsi river in Sirmaur district of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday were caught in a flood after their boat capsized. In an attempt to escape, the men climbed a tree.
In a similar incident, five tourists on Wednesday were washed away in the fast flowing current at the Purwa Falls which was triggered by continuous rainfall in the region. The five tourists were still missing.
For the last two days, Rewa district has been receiving heavy rainfall which has left rivers and streams inundated.
Sub Divisional Officer (SDM), Dharmendra Mishra told IANS that rescue operations to save the five persons trapped on a tree in Sirmaur District are on. A helicopter from Bareilly has been pressed into service but has failed to rescue the men.
Mishra also said that a search operation was launched to locate the five missing tourists but they have not yet been found as the rising water at the falls hampered search operations.
Rewa district has received scanty rainfall, but the water released from neighbouring Satna district's Bakiya dam has led to a flood-like situation.
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