The Delhi High Court on Tuesday informed by the central government that Aam Aadmi Party legislator Rituraj Govind violated the State Emblem of India Act by distributing ID cards bearing the state emblem to party volunteers.
Justice V.P. Vaish was informed by the home affairs ministry that for violating the State Emblem Act, Govind was liable to be punished.
In an affidavit filed in the court, the ministry said: "The alleged act of the Respondent 5 (Govind) is in contravention of the provisions laid down under the State Emblem of India (Prohibition of Improper Use) Act, 2005."
It said Govind had neither sought any permission from the ministry nor had permission granted by the ministry to him to use the state emblem in the identity cards issued by him to the representatives/workers of the AAP.
The ministry said Govind is liable to be punished under the act's section 7(1), which stipulates imprisonment up to two years, or fine up to Rs.5,000, or both, for violation of the provisions of section 3.
The court was hearing a plea seeking action against Govind for allegedly distributing ID cards bearing the state emblem. The plea filed by Pratyush Kanth, who contested against Goving from Kirari constituency on a Congress ticket, said such ID cards created an impression that it related to the government or that it is an official document of the government. He had sought direction to the central government to grant sanction to prosecute the AAP and its legislator for misusing the emblem.