The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Thursday named two members, Pankaj Gupta and Sanjay Singh, as its team that would look into preparations for the Lok Sabha elections next year.
"Pankaj Gupta and Sanjay Singh will look into the preparations for the Lok Sabha polls. They will help in making the party's election manifesto and other poll-related issues," party leader Yogendra Yadav told reporters at the party office in central Delhi's Hanuman Road.
Yadav said the two members would comprise a sub-committee under the party's parliamentary affairs committee.
They will also help party volunteers across the country in poll preparations.
AAP issued a form Thursday for the party's ticket seekers in the upcoming Lok Sabha election.
"The party will accept the forms of those who are not involved in any criminal case and whose image is honest," Yadav said.
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The form has 15 separate points in which the candidate will not only have to give his personal details, he will also have to give the details of his family background.
"The important thing about the form is that the candidate will have to submit the form with the signature of 100 people from each of the assembly segments falling in that parliamentary constituency," Yadav said.
The form, both in Hindi and English, will be available on the AAP website.
Yadav said the party has started preparations for general elections in every state.
"AAP has its local units in a total of 309 districts of the country -- including Assam, Karnataka, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, Maharashtra and Gujarat. All the party units have become ready for the general elections," Yadav said.
AAP is going to form the government in Delhi after winning 28 seats in its debut elections for Delhi's 70-member assembly. It has been promised outside support by the Congress, which won eight seats in Delhi.