The AAP on Friday said the party's internal Lokpal will probe its former law minister Jitender Singh Tomar's alleged fake degree and action against him will "serve as a warning" to other members.
"A lot of questions have been raised over Tomar's fake law degree. The party's internal Lokpal will inquire into the matter. Then the party will take a decision on him," Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjay Singh said at a press conference here.
The ruling party's decision came in the wake of new revelations about the alleged fake L.L.B degree of the ex-minister and is significant as the AAP had been backing him so far.
"A decision on the action against Tomar is likely to be taken in the next two days and it will serve as a warning to others in the party," he said.
Two other AAP legislators - Surender Singh, who represents Delhi Cantt area, and Vishesh Ravi, representing Karol Bagh - have been accused of having fake degrees.
Singh said: "We are getting information on the issue. Everything will be decided after the party Lokpal report."
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AAP said the central government should also probe into the alleged fake degrees of Union Human Resource Minister Smriti Irani and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Ramashankar Kataria.
The party urged the Delhi Police to take "swift" action against the two.