Real life couple and actors Neetu and Rishi Kapoor will be seen as police officers in "Besharam", which has their son Ranbir playing the lead role. Director Abhinav Singh Kashyap says the casting was to raise viewers' curiosity and that he has succeeded in his endeavour.
Very rarely has Rishi donned the khaki uniform on the screen and "Aurganzeb" and "Besharam" are one of those few films.
Apparently, when Kashyap had finalised Rishi for "Besharam", till that time "Aurganzeb" hadn't happen.
"I was on the lookout for an elderly famous actor to play the role of a cop. While I was interacting with Ranbir, I realised Rishi Kapoor had not played a cop in his 40-year career," Abhinav told reporters Tuesday at the first look launch of the film.
"As another afterthought I thought why not have Neetu Singh play another pivotal role, which was already there in the script because then it will arouse people's curiosity," he said when asked how he managed to the entire Kapoor clan in the film?
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The trio are working together for the first time in "Besharam".
"The very fact that you are asking me this question, shows that yes, by design I tried to get all three of them together and I am glad they agreed," he added.
If you loved Ranbir as this fun-loving guy who believes in chasing his dreams in "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani", his character in "Besharam" is complete opposite - he is naughty, shameless and justifies the title of the film, coming out Oct 2.