Popular Malayalam actor Siddique, who was asked by the Congress to contest the Kerala assembly elections from Aroor in Alappuzha district, appears to have run into fresh road blocks.
An informed source told IANS that when his name first surfaced last month as a possible candidate, there was stiff opposition from the Alappuzha district Congress committee.
But although this slowly died down, there still were people ranged against his candidature, the source said.
"If his name comes through, he should consider himself lucky as again there seems to be strong opposition against him," said the source who did not wish to be identified by name.
State Congress president V.M. Sudheeran have reportedly spoken to Siddique about the fresh developments.
While Siddique's name will be discussed and debated in Delhi, his fellow actor and comedian and character artiste Jagdish is certain to be fielded.
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Siddique, if picked, will take on young CPI-M legislator A.M. Ariff, who is hoping for a hat trick of wins from Aroor.
The 53-year-old Siddique's career that began in 1985. He has so far donned the grease paint in close to 300 films.