Debutant Akshara Haasan, who will be seen in upcoming Hindi drama "Shamitabh", is an actress of substance, says National award-winning celebrated cinematographer P.C. Sreeram.
"Akshara Hassan's performance in Shamitabh shows Indian cinema has one more women of substance. Her acting (is) top notch," Sreeram posted on his Twitter page Tuesday.
Akshara, youngest daughter of actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan, is paired with southern actor Dhanush in the film, which is being directed by R. Balakrishnan aka Balki.
"Shamitabh" also features megastar Amitabh Bachchan, which marks his third collaboration with Balki after "Cheeni Kum" and "Paa".
Music maestro Ilayaraja is composing the tunes for the film.