Actress Amber Riley, known for playing Mercedes Jones in the musical comedy-drama "Glee" has teamed up with her sister Ashley to set up a website Rileyland Fashions to sell plus-sized clothing.
According to, Amber, 27, posted on Facebook: "My sister and I are clothes fanatics and since so many of my curvier fans always express that they like my clothes I thought why not clean out my closet and fill up all of yours."
"The clothes are affordable and most are never worn! There will be an official website coming soon with more than one of (a) kind clothing and more sizes for you plus size cuties," she added.
The siblings have also set up an Instagram account to promote the dresses, tops and shoes for sale.
Sharing an update on Instagram, Amber and Ashley posted: "We are sold out! We are overjoyed! Thank you ladies for showing us love! We are working hard to restock RileyLand Fashions with new stuff.
"We will keep you updated. Again thank you all. For those who have ordered, we are shipping your items before the week is over. Have a good evening," they added.