Former law minister Ashwani Kumar, who had to quit in May for allegedly interfering in a CBI probe in coal blocks allocation, was Thursday appointed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's special envoy to Japan.
A statement said that Ashwani Kumar has been appointed special envoy with the rank and privileges of a cabinet minister.
The official note said that the prime minister has nominated him "to visit for up to seven days as PM's special envoy for that period (in the rank and with the privileges of a cabinet minister) to maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges with Japan and to prepare for the upcoming visit of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan and the Prime Minister of Japan to India".
Ashwani Kumar had quit May 10 for allegedly interfering in a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe in coal blocks allocation.
The Supreme Court had come down heavily on the CBI for allowing the law ministry to vet the draft of its probe report on the coal allocation.