West Bengal Governor K.N. Tripathi Saturday justified the arrest of Trinamool Congress Rajya Sabha member Srinjoy Bose in connection with the Saradha scam but refused to comment on whether the CBI was functioning independently.
Bose - also the editor of Trinamool mouthpiece Jaago Bangla - was Friday arrested by the CBI for his prima facie involvement in the Saradha scam on allegations of criminal conspiracy, misappropriation of funds and deriving undue financial benefits.
"The agency (CBI) which has arrested him must have good reasons to do it. Therefore, it will be premature for me to comment on that," Tripathi told media persons on the sidelines of a programme here.
Later, at another programme, when quizzed about the role of the CBI, Tripathi said: "Ask CBI whether it is working under anybody's pressure or is it working independently. I am not here to answer on behalf of CBI."
"Ask CBI... they will tell you. I am not CBI," he said.
Bose was Saturday sent to CBI custody till Nov 26 by a city court.