The athletes village for 18th Pan American Games 2019 is located around 30 minutes from the sports facilities, according to the guidelines released by the Pan American Sports Organisation (ODEPA).
The athletes village is located in the Villa El Salvador district, around 15 km south of Lima's Historic Center, ODEPA said on Friday, reports Xinhua.
The Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) has to transfer 44 hectares of land over to the Ministry of Education (Minedu) in order to get the site for village building. There will also be various sports complexes including training centres built there.
A large part of the transferred ground is currently occupied by aerated lagoons, which will be relocated, and an eucalyptus forest which will be kept.
At the end of the Pan American Games, the athletes village will be used to promote sport development and improve living standards.