Leading pharmaceutical company Aurobinda Pharma Ltd said it posted a standalone net profit of Rs. 465.71 crore for the quarter ending December 31, 2015 against Rs.394.27 crore posted in Q3 2014-15.
Standalone net profit grew by Rs.71.44 crore in the quarter under review, a rise of 18.11 percent.
According to the unaudited financial results posted on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)on Tuesday, Aurobinda Pharma's total income from operations rose to Rs.2,364.78 crore from Rs.2,097.99 crore.
The company incurred total expenses of Rs.1,741.53 crore against Rs.1,594.15 crore.
On a consolidated basis, Aurobinda Pharma's net profit increased to Rs.534.65 crore from Rs.382.40 crore in Q3 2014 a" 15 while total income grew to Rs.3,495.5 crore from Rs.3,166.16 crore.