Bollywood celebrities including his singer-wife Asha Bhosle, filmmakers Madhur Bhandarkar and Sujoy Ghosh missed late Bollywood music director Rahul Dev Burman, fondly called Pancham Da, on the occasion of his 75th birth anniversary Friday. They hope his music stays eternal.
The legendary composer died in 1994 at the age of 54.
Here's what the stars tweeted about Burman, who had created hit music for films like "Hum Kisise Kum Naheen", "Sholay" and "Yaadon Ki Baaraat":
Asha Bhosle: Remembering Pancham & those special Moments In Time that we shared.
Vishal Dadlani: 27 June 2014. 75th birthday of RD Burman, aka Pancham aka (as Timbaland referred to him when he told me what a big fan he is) RD Burns!
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Madhur Bhandarkar: 75 years ago today, a musical genius was born. His tunes stole our hearts & do so even now. #Pancham Da, YOU ROCK! We miss u.Happy Birthday.
Manish Malhotra: Today is the 75th birth anniversary of the Legendry R D Burman :His music I LOVE :-)
Sujoy Ghosh: happy birthday r d burman. may you and your music live forever.