The family of slain Delhi Police Inspector M.C. Sharma Tuesday said Indian Mujahideen operative Shahzad Ahmad, responsible for Sharma's death in the 2008 Batla House shootout, should have been given death sentence instead of life imprisonment.
"I have lost my son. No one can feel that pain. The man who killed my son should be hanged," a dejected Narottam Sharma, father of Mohan Chand Sharma, told IANS.
On July 25, the court convicted the 24-year-old Ahmad from Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh for killing Sharma. He was awarded life term Tuesday. The court also imposed a fine of Rs.95,000 on Ahmad of which Rs 40,000 would go to Sharma's family.
However, Sharma said that the family didn't need any money from Ahmad.
"What will we do with that money?" he asked.
Sharma, who had won seven gallantry medals, including a president's medal, was gunned down during the Batla House shootout at Jamia Nagar Sep 19, 2008, seven days after serial blasts rocked the national capital.
He was survived by his parents, wife and two children.