Taking criticisms head-on, filmmaker Srijit Mukherji on Saturday said his debut Bollywood feature "Begum Jaan" has opened to Rs 3.94 crore as opposed to a lower industry expectation, despite mixed reviews and releasing alongside the mammoth Hollywood franchise "Fast & Furious 8" (FF8).
"For the statistically inclined, delighted to announce that despite mixed reviews, FF8, big regional new year releases and being an A rated film, #BegumJaan opened to 3.94 cr as opposed to the industry expectation of 3-3.25 cr and an ORMAX prediction of 3.4 cr. Thank you for all the bouquets and brickbats, have a great New Year!:)," Mukherji wrote on Facebook.
Vidya Balan-starrer "Begum Jaan" is an adaptation of Bengali film "Rajkahini", also helmed by Srijit. It released on April 14.
The movie also features Gauahar Khan, Ila Arun, Pallavi Sharda, Chunky Pandey, Flora Saini, Raviza Chauhan, Poonam Rajput and Naseeruddin Shah.
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