Defence electronics Navaratna company Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) Thursday said it alongwith its private partner has been selected as the development agency for defence ministry's Rs.50,000 crore ambitious Battlefield Management System (BMS) project.
Rolta India Ltd and BEL had earlier formed a consortium for defence projects aiming to bag the "make" category deals in the country.
The deal, under the defence procurement policy, is one of the largest solutions to be indigenously built for Indian defence.
"This prestigious project is meant to deliver command and control capabilities to the fighting echelons, operating at the forward edge of the tactical battle area at the battalion and combat group levels," the consortium of the Navaratna and the private company said in a statement.
BMS is a situational awareness and visualisation system that aims to optimise the operational effectiveness of tactical units.
"The consortiuma is fully geared up to take on the challenge of developmentAof the BMS for our defence forces. We also aim to maximize the indigenous content through in-house development of various sub-systems," said BEL's director of marketing P.C. Jain.