Bihar Police will seek the custody of Indian Mujahideen operative Tehseen Akhtar alias Monu, who was the brain behind last year's blasts in Patna and Bodh Gaya, police said Tuesday.
The 22-year-old Akhtar, a resident of Maniarpur village in Samastipur district, was arrested by Delhi Police from Rajasthan.
Patna's Senior Superintendent of Police Manu Maharaj told media persons here that a police team will be sent to Delhi to seek Akhtar's remand in connection with the serial blasts before a rally addressed by BJP leader Narendra Modi here Oct 27, 2013.
He said Bihar Police want his custody this week itself.
According to police sources, Imtiaz Ansari, who was arrested from Patna Junction on the day of the blasts, during his interrogation revealed the involvement of Akhtar and Pakistani national Waqas in the Patna blasts. They were arrested Friday from Rajasthan by Delhi Police.
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Imtiaz told police that both Monu and Waqas were present at the Gandhi Maidan during the blasts.
Waqas came to Bihar along with Indian Mujahideen co-founder Yasin Bhatkal. Bhatkal was arrested last year in Nepal while Waqas managed to escape.
Akhtar is also wanted for planning and executing the Bodh Gaya temple blasts July 7, 2013.
Last year, a cash award of Rs.10 lakh was announced by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for any information leading to his arrest.
Ten bombs exploded at Bodh Gaya's Mahabodhi Temple, in which two Buddhist monks were injured. Three live bombs were later found and defused.
In the Patna blasts, at least seven people, including a suspected bomber, were killed and nearly 100 injured just ahead of a rally by Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate Modi.