The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday attacked Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav for misleading people, and cited the CAG report for the financial year 2014-15, where the auditor pointed out the state government spent nothing it had earmarked for in the budget.
State spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak told IANS the report pointed out that the state government, which makes tall claims of comprehensive development, has not been able to spend a penny under the 115 heads.
"The chief minister bills free laptop distribution scheme, Kanya Vidyadhan scheme as the flagship schemes of his four-year-old government but due to non-expenditure, the allocations had to be surrendered," Pathak said.
He said the ruling Samajwadi Party (SP) in the run-up to the 2017 state assembly polls has been claiming that it has fulfilled its 2012 poll promises, but in the wake of the CAG report, it must now explain why the funds running into crores were surrendered in important schemes like free sarees for women and blankets for the elderly from BPL families.
The state government which is celebrating "Farmers Year" in 2016 had not spent the funds allocated for bio-fertilisers, and this is an indicator that the "fool Akhilesh was making out of farmers," Pathak added.
The CAG also reported that important schemes like a vetenerary science university in Azamgarh, the Lok Sabha constituency of his father and party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav, also have not been opened.