The BJP on Thursday hailed the Tripura government's decision to revoke the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which gives security forces sweeping powers and judicial immunity in conflict-hit areas.
"It's a welcome move and we appreciate the decision of the Tripura government," Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sunil Deodhar, who is in charge of the party affairs in Tripura, told IANS.
However, he credited the Narendra Modi government for this move, which he said forced the Left Front government to revoke the AFSPA.
"Due to development activities initiated by the Modi government in the northeastern region, a positive atmosphere has been created there and this forced Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar to take this decision," Deodhar said.
He, however, criticised the Manik Sarkar government for the current law and order situation in the state.
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"Five MLAs of the Left Front government have been killed since 1998 but there seems to be no justice to the victims till date," he said.
Asked whether the BJP would support the long-time demand of revoking the AFSPA from Jammu and Kashmir, he said: "Conditions of every state are different."
The union home ministry also welcomed the decision to withdraw the AFSPA from Tripura.
Tripura on Wednesday decided to revoked the AFSPA, which was enforced in the state 18 years ago to curb insurgency.