Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday said many BJP leaders and Union Ministers would require security to save themselves from traders in the capital, who were "angry" with the sealing drive, being implemented here by BJP-run MCDs.
As Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) Delhi unit President Manoj Tiwari sought an upgrade in his security cover from 'Y' to 'Z' category from the Centre in the wake of what he called the "recent attacks" on him in West Bengal and the national capital, Delhi Government spokesperson Nagendar Sharma responded, saying: "If BJP does not immediately halt sealing in Delhi, many of its leaders and central ministers will require the same. They have no idea of traders' anger."
"If a Lok Sabha MP from Delhi requires Z security to move in public, then it is a clear indicator of public mood in the national capital and more importantly BJP is aware about it," he tweeted.
The 'Z' category security entails 20-25 commandos for a protectee.
The cover also extends to the residence of the protectee, who is also provided pilot and escort vehicles.
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In a letter to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Tiwari said: "Two recent attacks on me -- one in West Bengal after the state government's refusal to provide security during campaigning and another at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence -- prove that the 'Y' category security given to me is not adequate."
Tiwari was referring to an alleged attack on a delegation of BJP leaders on January 30 by AAP legislators and anti-social elements at Kejriwal's residence when they had gone there for a discussion to find a way to provide relief to traders affected by the ongoing sealing drive.
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