The BJP manifesto released Monday talks about building 100 new cities, setting up a price stabilisation fund, evolving a single national agricultural market and raising public spending on education to six percent of the gross domestic product.
Here are some salient points of the manifesto.
- 'National Health Assurance Mission' to provide universal healthcare, which is accessible and affordable.
- Set up AIIMS-like institution in every state.
- Set up a task force to bring back black money.
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- Meet aspirations of "neo middle class" -- those who had risen from the category of poor but are yet to stabilise in the middle class.
- Roll out low-cost housing programme to give every family a "pucca house" by the time country completes 75 years of Independence.
- Set up a Team India initiative, which will include the prime minister and chief ministers as equal partners.
- Rationalise and simplify tax regime.
- Initiate a national e-governance plan to cover every government office from the centre to panchayats. "E-Gram, Vishwa Gram" scheme of Gujarat to be implemented all over country.
- Initiate mission mode project to create 50 tourist circuits that are affordable.
- Create an ecosystem for multi-country and inter-disciplinary collaborative research.
- Create national system of innovation.
- Explore all possibilities within the framework of the constitution for construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.
- Full-fledged programme for rural rejuvenation.
- Expedite work on freight and industrial corridors, set up gas grids, national optical-fibre network up to village level.
- Set up agri rail network.
- Foreign Direct Investment will be allowed in sectors needed for jobs but not in multi-brand retail.