The BJP on Friday promised the people of Tamil Nadu that it would take steps towards getting the central government to set up a Cauvery Management Board so that the state gets its share of Cauvery river waters.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi several times urging the central government to set up the Cauvery Management Board to manage the sharing of river water between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
In its manifesto of the May 16 assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party also promised introduction of prohibition, writing off of farm loans from cooperative banks, payment of farm loans lent by nationalised banks by Tamil Nadu government, interest-free agriculture loans and loan at low rates for purchase of agriculture implements.
The BJP manifesto that also promises higher prices for farm produce like sugarcane, turmeric and paddy was released by union minister Nitin Gadkari here.
The party also promises setting up of guava, mango and jack fruit pulping factories in the state and formulation of a separate policy for organic farming.
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The other promises made by BJP to the people of Tamil Nadu are a subsidy for compost manure, direct transfer of fertiliser subsidy to farmers, 50 percent subsidy for rearing country cows, linking rivers in South India, promoting inland water transport after linking of rivers, formulation of a new industrial policy, 50 percent subsidy for setting up of solar power, issuing electronic ration card, introducing lokayukta to probe corruption in high places, yoga and meditation classes in schools from class six onwards, and steps to allow bull taming sport 'Jallikattu'.