Senior Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Manoj Jha on Saturday said BJP's Giriraj Singh was indulging in "political pornography" after being pulled out of the party's campaign trail, adding that the act of releasing a "pervert" video showed the nervousness inside the BJP's camp.
Jha said this after the BJP leader released a video clip showing Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar visiting a "tantrik" to seek his blessings.
Minutes after Singh released the video, Jha told IANS: "The video does not deserve a comment from our party. The source (Giriraj Singh) of the video itself speaks volumes about its credibility."
"Giriraj Singh has been told to resort to all sort of political lows to save the party from an imminent defeat. The act is nothing but a political pornography," he added.
Asked whether the video will dent the Grand Alliance's fortunes in the ongoing Bihar assembly polls, Jha said: "Earlier, we had a bit of doubt regarding our win, but after this 'video stunt', I am 100 percent sure that we are winning. Deeds like this show the nervousness inside the BJP camp."
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A video clip was released on social media by senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader and union Minister Giriraj Singh to embarrass Nitish Kumar, the chief ministerial candidate of the grand alliance of JD-U, RJD and Congress ahead of the October 29 polls in the ongoing five-phase elections.
At a time when the political temperature is hotting up ahead of the third phase of the Bihar assembly polls, the BJP leader played a video card against Nitish Kumar, the star campaigner of the grand alliance, which is giving a tough time to the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance.
In Singh's video, a tantrik is seen raising slogans in favour of Nitish Kumar and telling him not to be worried. He is also seen raising slogans against Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad, once the arch rival of Nitish Kumar but now his main political ally in the Bihar polls.