Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Monday said Pakistan's indiscriminate cross-border firing, which left five people dead Monday, only shows the neighbouring country's frustration over its failure to rake up the Kashmir issue.
The chief minister rushed here from Srinagar despite the Eid-ul-Adha festival to attend the cremation of five civilians killed in mortar shelling by Pakistan Rangers in Arnia sub-sector of R.S. Pura in Jammu district.
Talking to media persons, Abdullah said Monday's targeting of civilians by Pakistan indicated the frustration of the government there.
"Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif tried to raise the pitch over Kashmir during his UN general assembly address. But he did not find any takers for his rant over Kashmir. It (Pakistan) is now showing its frustration by targeting civilian areas on our side of the border," he said.
The chief minister also visited the Jammu medical college hospital and made enquiries about the well being of the injured people.