The Border Security Force (BSF) Thursday seized nearly 10 kg of gold valued at Rs.2.63 crore from near the Bangladesh border in West Bengal's North 24 Parganas district, an official said.
Acting on a tip, troopers of the BSF's 152 battalion spotted a woman near the Hakimpur border outpost, who, alarmed at the sight of the securitymen, fled leaving behind a bundle.
"Inside the bundle, 22 gold biscuits along with six small and 13 big gold bars were recovered, weighing approximately 9.4 kg and valued at Rs.2.63 crore. The seized gold was handed over to the customs office for further investigation," a BSF spokesperson said.
The South Bengal frontier of the BSF has seized more than 61 kg gold and apprehended 35 smugglers so far this year.