RLD chief Ajit Singh, who has assured he would Sep 24 vacate the government accommodation allotted to him, visited his injured party MLAs and workers in a private hospital in Ghaziabad Friday even as the district administration booked them for clashing with police Thursday.
Apart from naming 32 persons including the three MLAs, police have registered a criminal case against 5,000 unidentified persons under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The booked MLAs are Sudesh Sharma from Modi Nagar, Bhagwati Prasad from Khair and Veer Pal Rathi from Chhaprauli.
While visiting the hospitalized MLAs, Ajit Singh said: "It is not the issue of vacating bungalow but is the issue of farmers' sentiments towards farmer leader Chaudhary Charan Singh."
Raising question at the impartiality of the government, Singh asked why electricity and water supply to the bungalows of Shahnawaz Husain, Yashwant Sinha and Ananth Kumar not snapped.
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He further said that he assured the government that he would vacate the bungalow after 'shradh' were over, but the government intent on humiliating him and country's farmers, snapped power and water supply of 12 Tughlak road bungalow where former prime minister Chaudhary Charan Singh lived for quite a long time since 1978.
Singh told media that said that instead of talking to the farmer leaders, the Ghaziabad police opened fire at the farmers.
He added that he would talk to the UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav over the incident.