Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Darda, who has been charged in the coal block allocation case, Friday told a court here that the CBI charge sheet has not mentioned the manner of cheating done by him.
Advancing argument on the charges, Darda's counsel, Vijay Aggarwal told Special Judge Bharat Parashar that the Central Bureau of Investigation's charge sheet has not mentioned the public servants that he has tried to influence.
"The charge sheet should be clear in what manner I (Darda) have cheated. It does not state whom (public servant) I was trying to induce. Public servants will say whom I was trying to influence him but they (CBI) have not brought them here," he said.
The court posted the matter for further hearing Oct 27.
Darda, his son Devendra Darda, Nagpur-based AMR Iron and Steel Pvt Ltd director Manoj Jayaswal has been charge sheeted March 27, where CBI has alleged that that they had fraudulently acquired the coal blocks.
They were charged under Sections 120-B (criminal conspiracy) and 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code and under provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.