The CBI on Friday raided the office of the National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research (NITTTR) here and other places in connection with alleged corruption in construction contracts worth Rs 35 crore.
There was a complaint that the NITTTR committed irregularities in granting construction contracts amounting to Rs 35 crore, which is being probed, sources in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) here said.
The Bhopal office of NITTTR, the Rewa-based residence of former Director of the Institute Vijay Agrawal, and the offices of the contractors are being searched, the sources said.
They said the irregularities pertain to the tenure of Agrawal and that the CBI team has been looking for relevant documents.
A CBI officer taking part in the searches at NITTTR office confirmed to the reporters that several other places also are being searched as part of the probe.
Also Read
The NITTTR-Bhopal is one of the four such institutes in the country.
Set up in the 1960s by the central government, they train polytechnic teachers in the areas of education, planning and management, curriculum development, and research.