Chief Election Commissioner Naseem Zaidi on Thursday assued media persons of full sharing of information with them in response to complaints of lack of cooperation from chief electoral officer Sunil Gupta and his team during the ongoing West Bengal assembly polls.
"I have heard your sentiments... there will be full sharing of information with the media," Zaidi responded to clamouring journalists who brought the matter to the notice of the poll panel chief during a media conference here.
"Please ask Gupta to take our questions," said a media person.
At the conclusion of the part two of the first poll phase on April 11, Gupta had refrained from answering questions on incidences of violence on poll day and had not provided a final voter-turnout percentage on the day much to the dismay of the patiently-waiting scribes.
Further, media persons also drew attention to the overall unfriendly attitude of the poll panel officials who restricted entry of media to the Commission's office here beyond certain hours.